Odgers Connect during the Covid-19 pandemic
Adam Gates, Head of Odgers Connect, explains how the business will operate during the coronavirus outbreak and how it aims to offer its support to others as the crisis unfolds
We have entered a period of unprecedented threat to our health, well-being and way of life. We are experiencing business disruption, economic uncertainty and social upheaval like never before. It will require a momentous effort from government, organisations and individuals to steer the UK through this crisis and bring us out on the other side.
Already, a momentous effort has been made within our own organisation. In less than a week, our IT department transitioned over 1000 employees around the globe to a remote working programme. The transition was seamless and ensured that our singular objective at that time was achieved; the safety of our employees, our clients and our candidates.
With highly robust digital infrastructure already in place, it meant that there was absolutely no interruption to the businesses and we now continue to provide the level of client service and candidate care that we have always prided ourselves on.
Not all companies have these mechanisms in place. Managing an entire workforce and keeping them safe in an environment of social distancing is hugely challenging for many organisations and an extraordinary situation that they will not have planned for.
Wildly fluctuating societal needs and behaviours will impact every company differently. Some will need to restructure and plan for a reduced demand in their services, requiring the immediate introduction of effective contingencies. Travel operators and hospitality businesses are just some of those that will need to rapidly adapt internal operations and entire business models.
Others will see an unparalleled spike in demand for their goods and services. For many of these organisations – such as supermarkets, pharmacies, medical technology firms and food manufacturers – it will be almost unmanageable. Production, distribution and supply chains will be put under immense stress, all at a time when staff are being told to distance themselves from one another.
There is no one playbook for this crisis but if the past week has taught us anything, it is that organisations and individuals can, and will, quickly adapt. Restaurants, unable to serve customers in store, are offering home deliveries; technology providers are offering free services to key workers; and one brewing company has even diversified to make its own hand sanitiser.
Stories like these are becoming increasingly common. The underlying theme; a rapid adaptability to significant change. During this period, this is exactly what will be needed for organisations to manage the mounting levels of disruption and uncertainty.
At Odgers Connect we must play our part to ensure there is business continuity. The core feature of our business is our access to a network of highly skilled and experienced independent professionals. These experts can be available whenever and wherever needed to help businesses address the short-term challenges and plan for the longer-term impacts of the pandemic.
We are here to help, and together we will get through this crisis. If there is anything we can support you with please just ask. In the meantime, from all at Odgers Connect, we wish you a safe few months ahead.
For more information please contact Adam Gates.